Wednesday, September 19, 2007

mums the word

hey all, sorry its taken me such a long time to write an update. life as a mother has been quite busy the past few weeks. allistiar is doing very well, hard to believe he's going to be a month in 2 days! i cant believe how fast he's growing up. he's been very aware lately, looking all around and much more awake than he used to be. he sleeps pretty well through the night, which i definaltey appreciate! its been so nice being in durham and having both sets of grandparents close by! julian and i are definately loving being parents, as much work as it is, its the most amazing thing i have ever experienced. we've defaintley been blessed with a miracle! here are some of the other pictures we've gotten.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey Carrie!
Don't know if you remember me, but I'm Joel Schmidt's wife. I was checking in on your blog and saw the pictures of your new little son...and had to say he is ADOREABLE!! My word, he's too beautiful to be a boy! Congrats, pray that you have a smooth transition as a 3-some! :)