Saturday, June 23, 2007

what a story!

Over the past few months, my grandpa brockwells' sisters' husband (got that?) has been in the hospital and not doing very well at all. My grandpa has been visiting him very often and sharing the gospel with him, but uncle don didnt seem at all interested.
The doctors have been saying he will likely die any day, so as you can imagine, its been really hard on aunt barb and my grandparents too. Aunt barb had basically given up hope of uncle don giving his life over to the lord before he died, just because he kept refusing what he was hearing. Well, my grandma wrote me an email this morning and told me that aunt barb called my grandpa and asked him to come to the hospital because uncle don was not doing very well. My grampa went and asked if he could go in and see uncle don, and they said yes. Well, uncle don told my grandpa that he had given his life over to the lord!! its such a huge encouragement to see miracles like that happen. all that praying paid off! and just in time. Uncle Don is very sick and no one really expects him to live much longer at all, but its just such a blessing knowing he'll be in Heaven for eternity! please pray for my grandparents, and uncle dons wife, as it will be hard when he fianlly passes, althoguh not nearly as hard now, knowing they will see him again!

1 comment:

CalebandKristina said...

wow that is awesome!! no one told me that! probalby partly my fault for not calling this weekend though, we were super busy.