I am officially 26 wks pregnant now and feeling enormous! Its been fun to compare pictures of this pregnancy with the ones i took while pregnant with Allistair.
I had another ultrasound on the 15th of june to check on the amniotic band and the cysts that were on the back of the babys head. Praise the Lord, the cysts are completely gone and the baby has not yet gotten tangled in the band. The midwives and obgyns are going to keep me going to ultrasounds to keep an eye on it but its a really good sign that it hasnt happened yet. As far as my cyst, i have been thinking of having the baby delivered by c-section so that i can have the surgery to remove the cyst at the same time instead of doing it 6 wks after the birth. I talked with my midwife yesterday and she ultimately the choice is up to the ob, which i dont really like, i personally think it should be my decision...but we'll see what she says.